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Safety in Messages

Safety in Messages

When sending messages through MyHanap, we put safeguards in place to try to ensure that every interaction you have is with a genuine member of the site. Despite these safeguards, it’s important to know the warning signs when buying and trading online.

They Move the Conversation to a New Platform

To avoid our security systems fraudsters will often request that you leave MyHanap and contact them through a different platform. If they ask you to reply to their personal email address or transfer to Telegram, Viber, Messenger instead of using MyHanap Private Messages, be extremely cautious.

Note: Sometimes these requests can be legitimate, but if they refuse to speak anywhere other than through private email or another platform, it might be best to move on. Ask them to speak directly over the phone if they don’t want to use MyHanap private messages.

They Can’t Meet In Person

Fraudsters will often work remotely. This is partly because they need to cast a wide net to make money and partly for their own safety. They may have an elaborate excuse that makes them sound legitimate. Some common stories are that they work abroad or went home to their province due to an emergency, that they’re a member of the military, or that they’re buying a special present for a family member from overseas.

They Rush the Process

Fraudsters want to rush people through the scam before they begin to catch on. They’ll often send long-winded, overly detailed messages trying to finish the transaction. If you’re the buyer, they’ll start sending information on how to pay them right away. If you’re the seller, they may ask a few basic questions in the same message before instructing you on how to collect their payment.

They Skip Details

Since fraudsters aren’t actually looking to buy or sell anything, they don’t usually ask any item-specific questions. If they do ask questions, they’ll be rushed and very basic.

In many cases, they’re also using pre-written responses that don’t mention the exact type of item in their reply. They may use general terms like ‘the item’ or ‘your vehicle.’ In some cases, they simply copy and paste the ad title into the message to make it appear specific. For example: ‘I would like to buy your Honda Civic 2016 Blue.’

Too Good to be True Deals

In order to try and lure people into their scam, fraudsters will offer a deal that’s hard to refuse. If you’re the buyer and offer less than their asking price, they’ll accept on the first email. After all, they’re losing nothing in this deal unless you walk away.

If you’re selling the item, they may offer you more than asking price, or may want to buy everything you have for sale all at once. They may even offer extra if you remove the ad right away to ‘ensure the sale.’

Odd Payment Requests

Since fraudsters don’t usually meet in person, they need the money digitally. They may ask that you send them money through a method with no guarantees. Favourites include MoneyGram, Western Union, Palawan Express, and other types of money transfer. They may also request payment through PayPal but insist that you use the Friends & Family setting so that you are offered less protection.

Scams aimed at buyers are generally simple, but there are two types:

  • They ask you to pay for the item before you meet up.
  • They ask for a deposit for an item you haven’t seen.

There are 3 main types of scams aimed at sellers:

  • They insist that you ship the item to them before payment.
  • They send you a payment notification or receipt and ask you to transfer some funds back to them before the full payment comes through.
  • They send you a fake payment notification or receipt, then ask you to transfer some of that money to a shipping company. Not only do they tell you which company to use for the transfer, but also which account number.

If you see any of these signs, don’t proceed any further with the transaction and reach out to our customer support team to let us know.