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How to submit a new listing?

How to submit a new listing?

Selling on MyHanap is so simple and easy! But before anything else, make sure you read and understood our Listing Rules.

Using a computer or laptop:

  1. Login with your account or sign up a new account.
  2. Once logged in, click "SELL NOW" on the upper right corner of the page.
  3. Select the right category.
  4. Enter an accurate title of your listing.
  5. Provide a price.
  6. Write a detailed description.
  7. Add an image.
  8. Click Submit.

Using a mobile:

  1. Login with your account or sign up a new account.
  2. Once logged in, find the toolbar located at the bottom of the page and click the center button with a STORE icon.
  3. Select the right category.
  4. Enter an accurate title of your listing.
  5. Provide a price.
  6. Write a detailed description.
  7. Add an image.
  8. Click Submit.