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User Levels

Elevating Security and Trust

Our user verification process includes distinct levels designed to enhance security and user trust. As you progress through these levels, you gain access to additional features and benefits. Each verification level signifies a higher degree of authentication, contributing to a safer and more reliable user experience. We encourage users to complete the verification steps to unlock the full potential of our platform and ensure a secure environment for everyone.



The Bronze Level is the initial stage in our user verification process. It involves the fundamental steps to confirm the authenticity of user information, providing a foundational layer of security and trust.



The Silver Level represents an advanced stage in our user verification process, specifically focusing on identity confirmation by submitting a government-issued ID, such as a driver's license or passport.



The Gold Level is the pinnacle of our verification process, incorporating proof of address by submitting documents such as utility bills or bank statements to verify physical and residential address.



The Platinum Level is the highest tier in our verification process tailored for businesses, by providing business permits and additional documentation to ensure the utmost authenticity and transparency.

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