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Listing Rules

MyHanap is dedicated to motivating individuals and businesses to engage in buying and selling, as we believe that these uncomplicated transactions can open up various possibilities.

In pursuit of this mission, MyHanap actively moderates listings within its marketplace. Our listing guidelines are crafted to safeguard the marketplace's integrity and establish a pleasurable, efficient, and inspirational environment for transactions. It is crucial for sellers to adhere to these rules to contribute to the creation of a motivated and involved community.

Listings that fail to comply with the established rules will be promptly removed from our platform. Users found in violation of these rules may face a range of enforcement actions, ranging from restrictions to a permanent suspension from the platform.

1. Avoid listing items or services that are prohibited, counterfeits, or infringe on content guidelines.:

  • Avoid listing prohibited products, services, counterfeits, or content that violates intellectual property rights. MyHanap caters to users of all ages, emphasizing a need for a clean and secure environment.
  • The marketplace strictly prohibits dangerous, inappropriate, offensive, or unlawful items.
  • Content that discriminates against or negatively targets particular individuals, groups, or organizations.
  • Adult content, including explicit materials or materials featuring nudity or implied nudity.
  • At MyHanap, we also prioritize respecting the intellectual property rights of others. Any content infringing on copyrights will be promptly removed from the platform. Ensure that you have rightful ownership of all images and content used. Additionally, take responsibility for verifying the authenticity of all products listed under your account.

2. Item Eligibility:

  • Only legal and non-prohibited items can be listed.
  • Prohibited items, such as weapons, illegal substances, or stolen goods, are strictly forbidden.

3. Listing Accuracy:

  • Sellers must provide accurate and detailed information about the listed items, including condition, specifications, and pricing.
  • Titles should describe the product, job or service provided clearly, including basic details about the product advertised.
  • Titles should not include phone numbers, price, links, and irrelevant keywords.
  • Use only relevant and accurate keywords to describe your products/services to create a better browsing experience for all users.
  • Please refrain from adding keywords that are irrelevant or in large quantities as this would affect the relevancy of buyer's search results.
  • Listing descriptions are important in providing key details about your product and/or services.
  • You are encouraged to provide a complete and accurate description.
  • For products, do specify the condition of the product, such as if the product has any defects or flaws.
  • For services, do specify the type of service in details and your terms and conditions.
  • Accurate and detailed listings help build trust with potential buyers, save your time from answering common questions, and enable faster and more efficient transactions. 

4. No duplicate listings:

  • Do not post multiple/duplicate listing of the same item.
  • Help us foster a fair marketplace, and keep browsing enjoyable and relevant for everyone by listing each product or service only once.
  • Listing the same item in different categories, under different cities or under other accounts are considered duplicate listings. 

5. Images:

  • Provide clear and actual images of the product or service you are advertising. 
  • Include photos of any defects/damages of the product so that buyers are fully aware of what they're buying.
  • Real unfiltered photos help build trust with potential buyers, manage expectations on both sides and results in faster and more efficient transactions.
  • Avoid uploading low quality or low-resolution images.

6. Fair Pricing:

  • Items must be priced reasonably and competitively.
  • Price manipulation and deceptive pricing practices are not allowed.
  • The price set on your listing should reflect the price you are willing to sell the product at.
  • Displaying a fake or unreasonable price on your listing is not allowed.
  • Only price items at $0 if buyers indeed do not need to pay for any additional amount or meet any additional conditions.

7. Transaction Safety:

  • All transactions should be conducted within the platform to ensure the security of both buyers and sellers.
  • Private communication channels outside the platform are discouraged.
  • You should not refer or put links related to other e-commerce, online classifieds, messaging or social media platforms.

8. Payment Methods:

  • Sellers must clearly outline accepted payment methods.

9. Shipping and Delivery:

  • Sellers must specify shipping methods, costs, and estimated delivery times.
  • Provide tracking information when available.

10. Communication:

  • Prompt and respectful communication is expected between buyers and sellers.
  • Unsolicited or spam messages are not allowed.

11. Feedback and Reviews:

  • Users are encouraged to leave honest feedback and reviews to each other.
  • Fake reviews and feedback manipulation are strictly prohibited.

12. Prohibited Actions:

  • Fraudulent activities, including scams, phishing, and identity theft are strictly prohibited.
  • Users engaging in such activities will be banned.

13. Legal Compliance:

  • Users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

14. Privacy Protection:

  • Respect user privacy and data protection laws.
  • Do not disclose another user's personal information.
  • Do not name and shame.
  • Listings must not be defamatory or contain any content that is offensive or harassing in nature.
  • It must also not contain any personal information about another individual. 

15. Content Moderation:

  • MyHanap reserves the right to moderate and remove listings that violate the rules.
  • Users violating the rules may face warnings, suspension, or permanent bans.