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Safety at the Meet Up

Safety at the Meet Up

Once you’ve come to an agreement and decided you’re going to make the trade, it’s important to meet in person. Meeting in person helps to prevent miscommunication, allows you to inspect the item one last time, and reduces the risk of scams.

Agree on a Safe Location

Unless you’re selling an item that can’t be moved easily, it’s best to meet somewhere other than your own home. A public location will help ensure safety for both parties, especially if you can’t meet until the evening. Try to choose somewhere with plenty of light, other people, and if possible, security cameras. Meeting in coffee shops, fast food restaurants, or even the parking lot of police stations are good choices.

Bring a Friend

Bringing a friend or family member with you is always a good idea. They can keep you company while you’re waiting and help ensure everything goes smoothly.

Inspect What You're Buying Carefully

Even if you’ve seen photos and the seller ensures you that it’s in perfect condition, it’s important to inspect the item thoroughly first. Even genuine sellers may not notice small stains, cracks, or other issues. If you’re buying a vehicle, taking the vehicle to a mechanic together to have it inspected can settle any final concerns.

The inspection is equally important for a seller. Ensure that the buyer looks over the item, turns it on, and knows about any wear and tear beforehand. That last inspection will make sure that both you and the buyer are aware of the items condition. This step will ensure that nothing is left unsaid that could cause issues later.

Once you’ve agreed to the deal, it’s time to complete the payment.