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3333 Years King Tut novel by Joel Goulet

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King Tut slept undisturbed in his tomb for more than three thousand three hundred years. Now, King Tut walks again amongst the living. The ancient spells of the Book of the Dead have given the boy king new life, but they have also brought forth a frightening danger. Tut emerges into the modern world and becomes sought by government agents. From the past King Ay and his High Priest, a master of the Book of the Dead’s black magic, have also been reborn. Tut must now face the agents and somehow defeat his former mentor’s evil High Priest. 

Available in eBook and paperback depending upon country. E-BOOK FORMAT IS AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE.

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  • Condition:Brand new
  • Price:Fixed
  • Deal Type:For Sale
  • Listing ID:#233

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